by Carrie Spencer

Caring for your mental health allows you to be the best parent possible, but it takes time for your kids to learn the same practice. As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your kids understand how to practice self-care and boost their mental health. Use these five tips to get started, courtesy of Marie’s Gold.

Make Exercise a Priority

Exercising has numerous health benefits, but it can also help boost mental health. Help your children find a form of exercise they enjoy. Whether they prefer to take dance classes, join a sports team or simply run around your backyard, encourage them to stay active to reap the rewards. You can accomplish this task by creating a fun outdoor space for your child to exercise in. If you don’t have a flat area in your backyard, find ‘grading contractors near me’ to get quotes on grading your land and promoting erosion control. You can get a quote to ensure the project fits your budget, and you may be able to find deals available online.

Encourage Kids to Talk About Their Emotions

When kids are taught to stuff their emotions down and ignore their feelings, it has a negative impact on their mental health. Show your kids that you are open to conversation when they need to talk about their feelings. You can also encourage them to express their emotions to friends or even see a therapist. You can enroll in online therapy if your kids feel overwhelmed by the thought of visiting an office. Using online therapy allows you to save both time and money, and you have a wider selection of available therapists. One study shows that 13% of kids have visited a therapist in the past year.

Practice Mindful Relaxation

Help your kids learn which activities allow them to relax. Some children may relax with a warm bubble bath at the end of the night, while others prefer relaxing activities such as listening to music or creating art. Others prefer putting together puzzles. There is an endless number of relaxing activities to choose from, so it’s important to help your kids find ones that meet their needs.

Feed Kids a Healthy Diet

The foods your kids eat can have an impact on their mental health. Similarly, the way they view food impacts the way they feel about themselves. It’s best to teach your kids how to have a healthy relationship with food. Help them understand that different types of food benefit their bodies in various ways, so while fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins should be prioritized, it’s okay to enjoy candy and junk food occasionally. Teaching your kids how to have a balanced diet is important for helping them to feel confident about themselves and improve their mental health.

Enjoy Fun Outings

Taking time to do the things we enjoy is important for boosting our mental health. If your kids have a favorite sports team or singer, consider taking them to fun events to spend time together and unwind. If you don’t live near a city with a sports arena or local concerts, you can turn a fun outing into a weekend getaway. There are many ways to find tickets for an affordable price. You can look online at some ticket sellers, many of which offer interactive seating charts, and filter by the date, event, and price range you are looking for.

Poor mental health takes a toll on both adults and kids. If you want your children to be confident in the state of their mental health, use these tips. If you need some resources, please contact

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