Fall is a time of gathering and harvest in anticipation of the winter.  Colorful changes are happening all around us as nature releases and lets go. Mid October to early November, for a brief moment, we may experience an “Indian Summer,” where we get another chance to enjoy the warmth and light of our summer days. However, we are reminded to be ready for the reflective time to come.

Just as nature releases and lets things go, so do we as earthly creatures begin to let go of things that no longer serve us. We can celebrate all we have harvested and grown this summer and begin our journey of slowing down and snuggling in.  

There are a few spiritual gifts we can offer ourselves and our families at this time. Over the next couple of months, I will highlight a few you might want to try.

Creating an Altar. Altars have been sorely misunderstood. The purpose of an altar is to hold objects of meaning for us to focus on, honor and reflect on all the goodness we have been given. For the fall, you can create an altar of fall leaves, gourds, pumpkins, fall flowers, or orange and yellow flowers. Each time you pass this altar, intentionally or unintentionally, you can take a moment to connect with the changes of the seasons you see reflected outside. Enjoy the beauty and savor it. The good news is you can create your own meaning from an altar.  

In some cultures, all over the world, October represents a time when we honor our ancestors and all they have given us and taught us. (More to come on this topic.) Maybe you can incorporate part of their traditions into your home. Find pictures of those who have passed on and put them on your fall altar. And each time you pass the altar, you can say a prayer or a blessing of gratitude and appreciation.

Our ancestors have been wonderful about creating meaning in our lives by giving us traditions and holidays, and we can honor them back by continuing to make meaning of our lives in our own way.

If you would like any ideas or a companion along the way to create more meaning in your life, feel free to contact me at (208) 284-3437, or Marie@Mariesgold.com. Together we can co-create traditions, rituals and celebrations to suit your family and your family needs.  After all, we are here to LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST, right?

May your Autumn be filled with the lovely spices in your kitchen and warm fires and snuggly blankets. Know you are loved and cherished by the Divine, by me, and all those who went before you.

Naamaste dearest ones, I honor you. 

***The altar in the above picture is paying homage to all that fall has given to me, flowers and colorful vegetables to grace my table. I almost always include candles because they are beautiful and bring a reverence to a room. I put everything in my special bowl for Thanksgiving and put it near all my favorite fall decor. Next month, I will show you how to make an altar for your ancestors.

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