Joe and I have been HAPPILY together for over 25 years. We genuinely have fun together and absolutely adore each other! Once when I was at a wedding, a gal commented that we looked like newlyweds because we were giggling, laughing, and asked how long we were married. At the time, it was 20 years. She scrunched up her face and said, “And you still LIKE him?” What I learned from that statement is in her experience, fun like we were having was reserved only for the young or newly in love. This began my quest for finding “our secret” to success.
Joe and I have been doing date night our entire relationship. Yes, our ENTIRE relationship, with a few exceptions for family emergencies or things that come up, etc. Even with that, we try to fit in at least some coffee time together. To us, It’s essential for us to connect, and this is how we do it.
Does that mean every week we plan something and do something extravagant? No. We toggle between each of us planning a little something and requesting time to snuggle up or lay low and just be with each other. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, it just needs to be intentional. Even when we had children all around, we’d sneak away to go have ice cream or sit out on the deck in the backyard. I get to be with my special person and yum it all up. One study done by The National Marriage Project shows that couples who regularly date each other are 3.5 times happier and less likely to divorce. Couples need quality one on one time to connect, to bond, and to enjoy each other.
Let’s talk about the benefits!
Number One – Fun!
Our number one reason we do date night is because it is fun! We genuinely like each other, and we are both little kids inside and fun is a priority for us. Why should we be serious and responsible all the time? You know the dishes and laundry will still be there tomorrow and the next day and the next.
Date night also gives us the opportunity to be curious, explore and try something new. We try new foods, or new activities, even things out of our comfort zone. This let’s us see another side of our partner. Even after 25 years, there are still things to learn about each other. We can’t forget It also gives us an opportunity to appreciate each other and
revel in each other’s goodness too. And after all, isn’t this lifetime meant to be enjoyed?
Prioritize Us
When we carve out special time just for us, it shows our commitment to each other first and helps us put things back in perspective. Work is important and kids are important, but our relationship is more important. We feel valued when our partner puts us in first place occasionally.
When we don’t take time out for us, we feel disconnected and become disgruntled, causing us to argue more and not work together as a team. Finding time to meaningfully connect, allows us to realign with each other, finding out what’s important to each other, move and flow together. We can support each other in our dreams and goals. And, we can feel the soulful energy of each other.
These are just a few of the benefits of date nights. There are so many more. When couples make the effort to spend quality time alone together, they can become closer to each other and more appreciative of each other no matter what is going on in the world around them. Think of it as self-care for couples; something vital to keep love and connection alive. Remember, it does not have to be fancy or extravagant, it’s the intentions and the spirit of spending time together and putting your love first. It’s truly what brings joy and happiness into our lives.
Share your stories of why date night is important to you!

And if you are looking for fresh ideas, we have Date Night boxes, where we
deliver three handcrafted dates and all you need to enjoy them right to your door.