Intentions are the keys to having a loving, more joyful relationship and a lifetime of love and partnership.  We all know it is difficult to navigate love relationships sometimes.  You have two people from such diverse backgrounds and expectations coming together as one.  There will be difficult conversations and failed expectations, and sometimes there will be poor communication or bad connections.  We are human and these are part of being human.

Daily intentions set your relationship up for success. 

What areas are you and your partner strong in?

What areas could you use more focus, time and energy?  

Being great in relationships, is just like being great in sports.  It is a skill building and practice; and an intention is just an opportunity to practice.  

Here are some Intention Ideas!

Overall Intentions: 

We intend to create the most loving relationship we can with our partner.

We intend to experience greater levels of fun, connection, prosperity, joy, love and magic in our relationship.   (or name five emotions you want to feel)

We intend to ask ourselves several times a day, how can I be love in this relationship?

We intend to think of three things we are grateful for our partner for this day before our feet touch the floor.  (Already deposits some love into your account before things go awry in the day.)

We intend to find ways to express love to our partner in the language of love they prefer, knowing it will greatly enhance our relationship.  (If you don’t know about Love Languages, go here.) 

We intend to communicate love to our partner by:  _______________. (Name how you can communicate your love, maybe with their special love language?)


We will communicate our dreams, needs and desires to our partner, even if the conversation is difficult.

We will have a weekly time to chat about what is going well, and where we want to put more focus, energy and time.


Whenever my partner enters or leaves our home, we will make it an opportunity to say, “hello” or “goodbye” and seal it with a hug or kiss.

We will take 30 minutes a week to connect over coffee.

We will have date night once a week, where we intentionally plan an activity with each other outside our normal routine.  It’s a time to connect or have fun.  (or the activity can be once or twice a month) 

Want to Learn More?

If you want to learn more about connection and communication and building a love life you enjoy, email me at   Or, you can join our Facebook group, Relationships Unleashed, where we learn about building lasting, loving relationships from the inside out:  

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