A blessing of a home can be such a beautiful bonding experience for a family, and it’s one of my favorite things to do.  Last week, I was able to be part of a family’s first experience of owning a home. In the past year, this family had had a few encounters with “dark forces” and they were ready for a fresh start in their new home where we could bring in all  things good.  There are many ways to do this ceremony; however, I will give you the basic pieces of a blessing and show you how you can adapt it for your own.  Or, you can call me up and we can co-create something together.


*Sheets/pillowcases:  You can either have the family leave their bedding on their mattresses before the move so that everything is all ready for the day they move in, OR, you can have them purchase new bedding.  It’s always great to have a really fresh start.

*Altar items:  What is placed on the altar varies depending on what the family would like to have for their new home.  I usually ask them to set aside a small table or small corner of a room.  I set down a placemat or small cloth and add special symbols.  

For this occasion, I brought in the four elements:  air=feather; earth=salt or stones; water=small dish or vial of water; candles for fire.  You can make the candles extra special by choosing colors to bring in certain characteristics the family wants to have.  (see below)

If the family is into angels, add an angel; if they want more money/abundance, add a green candle or green stones, etc.  There is no limit to what symbols/meanings can be included here.



Open all the windows and doors to allow negative energies to move out.

Altar prep:  get a small cloth (I used a placemat with neutral colors) Get objects that represent the four elements:  I chose Salt for the earth, a feather for the air; a small dish (dipping sauce dish) filled with water for the water; and candles for fire.  Because I believe colors help call for the intentions of the energy you would like to bring into the house, I chose colors that would bring this family what they wanted more of in their lives.  


Officiant walks around the four corners of the home with holy water and dedicates the home and property, asking the holy spirit, guides and angels to drive out any dark forces and energies that may be lingering and to enter in and build a wall of protection around the outside of the home.


Officiant sages or uses incense around the front door frame and blesses the house saying something like:  “May all those who enter and leave be filled with peace, joy and love.”  (add your words)

Have the family stand in a circle holding hands. The officiant then asks for God/spirit, guides and angels to bring this family and their home flow, peace, love, laughter and abundance all their days.  The family is then invited to add any invitations they would like to add.  Sometimes I have said, “Please go around the circle and share one thing you would like to have in your home.”  Each person adds their one word or phrase and passes it to the next person.

The officiant closes the circle with “May this home be a place of safety and relaxation and a place you can all be your truest selves. Home is the place where you will nurture, support and encourage each other, and it is a place of peace and comfort.”  

Blessing of each room.

Either the officiant or the members of the family can take sage or incense to bless each room.  Take the incense stick and go around the windows and entry ways and say a few words of what you would like to invoke in that room.  

Below are some sample things you can say or create your own.  Either the officiant or each member of the family can wave the incense in a circular motion around the room and then bless the room with their words.


May this kitchen be a place for family and friends to gather for laughter, creation, and nourishment.  And may it also be a great place for friends and family to gather and connect. 

Den and Living Room:

May all who gather in these rooms, find the warmth of camaraderie, entertainment, education and relaxation.


May those who enter here find comfort and respite.  As the waters cleanse, may they also offer relaxation and healing and invoke calm and relaxation.

Bedrooms:  (Have each family member enter their room at the same time with their incense.  You may repeat these words or add your own words as you encircle the room with incense.)

May those who sleep here find true rest from the world and may they find true peace in mind, body and spirit.  (add anything else you would like)

Guest rooms:

May this room for guests be filled with filled with this family’s hospitality and may they receive love and harmony and feel comfort and safety.

Home Office:

We ask for blessings for all who work here; may they be prosperous and enjoy the work they do.


May this area be a place of relaxation, comfort and reflection, as well as a play for connection and friendship.

CLOSING PRAYERS (words of gratitude)

Dear loving sweet spirit, please bless this family (name their individual names).  Thank you for bringing divine light, love and energy into their hearts, rooms and endeavors.

Bless all those who visit.  May this home be a safe haven and a place to be honest, to laugh, to cry, to explore and wonder.  May it also be a home filled with great communication, much acceptance and love so each can be completely and fully who they were created to be.

With much gratitude, we thank you for your great blessings.  And so it is!  AHO! And Amen

End of ceremony.

While this ceremony is generic, there is plenty of room for an officiant or a family to add elements of meaning of their own faith or tradition or creed.  Take out parts that do not resonate and put in language each person can connect.  This is what builds intimacy in families.

May you and yours feel the full benefits of creating memories and special occasions together. For more rituals and ceremonies like these, contact Marie at Marie@Mariesgold.com.  Marie also offers opportunities to co-create ceremonies suited for your special occasions or rites of passage.

Bless your journey!

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