ARTICLES ABOUT CREATING LASTING & LOVING RELATIONSHIPSAll the Do’s (and a few Don’ts) for Healthy Relationships
DO ask for what you want... physically, emotionally, and spiritually No, your partner doesn’t know what you want! No matter how much someone loves you, they aren’t mind readers and can only know what you need if you tell them. It’s not easy to express...
A Queen, A Ring, and The Rest of the Story
What a glorious day! The sunshine is so bright it feels like its beams are shooting right out of me! Or maybe I’m just twitterpated. It’s not any ordinary day. It’s happy Thursday! The day where my kids go to grandma’s, and I have Date Night. We’ve been dating about a...
The Unicorn Marriage — When People Think Happy Marriages Don’t Exist
When someone told me they didn’t know one happy marriage, I was shocked. Inside I was screaming, “I AM TRULY HAPPY!” And not only am I happy, but I can name at least 40 couples off the top of my head, and more if you gave me time. And this wasn’t the only time I have been told that…
To Renew Vows or Not To Renew Vows? That is the Question!
Why would I renew my vows? Should I renew my vows? I said them at the wedding, isn’t that enough? Yes, it’s good enough for a wedding. But wasn’t that a whirlwind of events to get through physically and emotionally? And sometimes when the wedding is...
How to Catch Your Lover’s Heart
Joe came to me today saying, “I know I haven’t spent a lot of time lately doing romantic things, and I want to be successful at it by doing something tonight. Will you help me?” Now ladies, before you go off thinking, “my guy would never ask me this question”,...
Building a Soul Mate
Millions of people mill about searching for their "soul mate," thinking there's that ONE person which will make them crazy happy FOREVER. Their idea is so rigid of what this looks and feels like that it obscures the real picture. The reality is that there are tens of...
The Gold in the Soul of the Junkman
Two years ago today, my daddy died. I’m a grown woman and still call him my daddy because that’s the relationship we developed shortly before his passing. Most of my life, our communication was strained, our understanding of each other minimal. He...
Podcast: How to Navigate Toxic Relationships
Guerilla Poetry – The “Gold” of Poetry
Many many years ago, there was an awesome website called "Poetry Thursday." Sad to say, its time came where they closed and many of us poets were left in a lurch. I loved this website because every Thursday we could look forward to a place to post our Poetry...
50 Romantic Movies! A CHALLENGE FOR YOU
Hello! Several of my friends and I created a list of 50 of our favorite romantic movies we feel everyone must watch! Of these, we found we liked the category of romantic comedies the best because they were fun and light-hearted. However, our list wasn't limited to...