Calming Exercises for 2022

Calming Exercises for 2022

Calming exercises to bring you more peace. CALM…like waves drifting on the ocean. Rest. Peace. Do these words connect with you this year?  This year, more than ever, calm is the gift I would like to give myself. And while I am on my journey designing this life...
Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

As we look upon this day, the shortest day of the year, Winter Solstice, is when the sun is the farthest from us, know our ancestors have celebrated this in ceremony all over the world for centuries. With our human yearning for the light, mine especially, is so...
Reduce Holiday Stress

Reduce Holiday Stress

Do you want to reduce holiday stress? Who isn’t overwhelmed with this season, especially following up the last two years of unrest physically, mentally and emotionally. We need some quick remedies. This articles explains really quick ways to “get back to...

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