There are so many important things to think about on your special day. Here is a quick check list of some things to get your started when you are considering how you want things to flow both logistically and tonality. To me, one of the most important questions is,...
Update to Marie’s Gold Blog
You might have noticed there are many missing blog entries. Well, I did some updates and some data and posts were lost in the transition. might also notice some gobbley gook in the form of computer code too. We are working our hardest to get things back up...
Boost Your Wedding Fund with a Side Gig: A Comprehensive Guide
By Guest Writer, Carrie Spencer Getting married is an exciting time in anyone's life. However, planning and paying for a wedding can be quite expensive. If you're looking for a way to earn extra money to fund your special day, a side gig may be the answer. Today,...
Dating Myself Dates
Date Ideas for Dating Myself. Happy Galentine’s day to you. Yesterday, our gift to you was some information on How and Why to date yourself date, (even if you are not single.) Spending time thinking about what you desire and what you enjoy, as well as your...
6 Reasons Why You Should Date Yourself
(EVEN IF YOU'RE IN A PARTNERSHIP) Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Yes, ALL of you! You see, I think this is a special day for sharing the love and spreading it so we can ALL can feel it. Can you imagine the ripple effect if we each took a few turns at sharing...
4 Strategies to Help You Keep Anxiety at Bay
By Carrie Spencer Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point. But if you find yourself under high levels of stress for an extended period of time, you may end up feeling overwhelmed and unable to deal with the situation. So here are four strategies that can...
12 Days of Christmas Tradition
Blending the cultures of two families with children, can be challenging and worth it! Joe and I married 25 years ago, putting together his daughter, 11, and my daughters 7 and 8. Of course, when you marry, you are also gaining expectations for holidays, including what...
10 Connection Ideas
Podcast of 10 connection ideas Hello all, I usually write blog; because I did a podcast on connection ideas, I thought I'd share that as a bonus! Meet "The Date Dealer," my colleague and friend, May Crow. We both geek out on finding unique and fun ways to connect with...
What Makes a Good Marriage?
Because I have been very happily married for over 25 years, I get asked often, what makes a good marriage? I thought I would ruminate on this to let you know what works for us! And why would you listen to us? Because even after all this time, we still get people who...
Adding Special Meaning to Weddings
Adding Meaning. Here is where I shine! I have knowledge of many types of ceremonies from all over the world.I interview you to see what you like/dislike, and then we create something just for you. Here are just a few common ones, but I have PLENTY MORE! Besides, they...