On this special day, I would like to honor all those who have served in the military, AND all those who are currently serving in the military. You have given your very best to help us gain and retain our freedoms, and you are appreciated. Though often your valiant...
Honoring the Dead
For many Latin cultures, November is a time to honor ancestors and the day(s) are referred to as “Día de los Muertos” or “Day of the Dead.” This article delineates some of the meanings, celebrations and rituals associated with the passing of others to the next...
Creating New Family Celebrations and Traditions
Creating New Family Celebrations and Traditions Whether you are just starting out a marriage or blending a family, or both, it is good to begin to build a community of you together, and this includes creating special occasions and traditions that are unique to...
Handfasting: An Old Tradition with a New Twist
Handfasting: An Old Tradition with a New Twist “Handfasting” is an older tradition becoming more and more mainstream. It tends to have a magical romantic vibe and adds a visual component to yourceremony. Couples choose this ritual as a way to show they are...
Creating An Altar to Pay Homage
Fall is a time of gathering and harvest in anticipation of the winter. Colorful changes are happening all around us as nature releases and lets go. Mid October to early November, for a brief moment, we may experience an “Indian Summer,” where we get another...
Grief – Do’s and Don’ts for the Bereaved
5 Do's and 5 Don’ts to Say to Someone in Grief Lately, I have worked with many people in grief, and I know friends and family of those I work with are at such a loss as to what they should say and do for the person left behind. They want to “help,” because it is...
Living Out Loud
FAST PACED. EVERY MOMENT FILLED TO THE BRIM. GOING HERE. DOING THIS. Yes, I am guilty of living a BUSY life, a life full of things to do. I thought I was doing things “intentionally” when realistically, I was getting things done on my task...
How to Include Kids On Your Special Day
Including Kids on Your Special Day It is my pleasure to help bring families together in unique and special ways to unite their combined culture and to make meaningful memories. Building a foundation of memories from the wedding day forward helps a family to...
Specializing Your Wedding
Specialized weddings are my forte. It is fun for me to co-create with the happy couple to make their special day fun, memorable and uniquely them. After all, these are memories of a lifetime! In the wedding depicted, the couple loves the Avengers, yet they...
Healthy Boundaries for Healthy Relationships
As a minister, I often get opportunities to work with families and assist them in common problems that come up. Most every situation calls for some kind of boundaries to be created. Today we will give you steps in creating boundaries and present a couple of...